Jump Ship Programming

-6 Days a week of training (Thursday is Aerobic/Skill focused, Saturdays are partner style)

- Most days have both a Conditioning AND Strength component build in.

-Typically conditioning is completed first to ensure we are warm and mobile enough to lift after.

-The Program is “GPP” based, meaning you’ll get a general and varied dose of fitness each day. You will not follow strict templates or cycles. This will allow for much more schedule/attendance flexibility for all.

-Strength work is always “based on feel” rather than rigid percentages. This will best accommodate all members and allow those feeling ready to PR to have more opportunities.

-You will find classic CrossFit benchmarks (girl wods, hero wods, open re-tests, etc.) in the program. These will be repeated periodically to help measure and track progress.

-Class runs on a 60 Minute Clock to understand the flow and timing.