Jump Start

Understand and develop the basic skills and movements to confidently navigate class

Email Coach Katie at katie@wisconsinfitnesscompany.com to schedule your first Jump Start training session

Why is it important

We believe that with proper coaching and development of skills, your ability to experience the full benefits of a cross training program is without question. Most frustration and injury from cross training program, especially one that includes lifting weights and challenging movements, it due to lack of confidence and knowledge to perform the exercise correctly. At WFCo, we want to take the guesswork out of your training and provide proper instruction outside of regular group training sessions. We believe this will provide you the proper baseline for your gym experience and set you up for success.

What is it

Jump Start consists of Three (3) Training sessions each lasting One (1) hour and will focus on Three (3) foundational movements, progressing in complexity.

  • In addition to teaching three foundational movements per session, the hour will overview the terminology used in class, the class flow, workout intensity/stimulus and modifications for movements

  • Each session is $60 for private sessions or $45(e) for two or more. Sessions are limited to 3 participants.

  • Upon completion of the three sessions, you are welcome to join WFCo’s group cross training classes at no charge for the remainder of the month!

Who is it for

Jump Start is primarily for individuals who have never stepped foot into a cross training gym that includes olympic lifting, strength training and gymnastics type movements. It is also for people that haven’t exercised in quite some time and know that learning the proper way to do something is most important. That being said, we welcome anyone to participate in Jump Start!